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SAlem main street

Stand Up For Salem is an award winning, nationally certified, Main Street program in the state of New Jersey. The Main Street Approach is centered around Transformation Strategies and organized around Four Points: Economic Vitality, Design, Promotion, and Organization.



Social Value involves marketing an enticing image to shoppers, investors, residents and visitors. Festivals, retail events and image development campaigns are some of the ways Main Street encourages consumer traffic in the downtown.

Salem City Block Party

Summer Movies In the Plaza

Summer Concert Series In the Plaza

Cow Run 10k & 5K Run




Place Value enhances the visual appearance, attractiveness and traffic management of the business district. Historic building rehabilitations, street and alley clean-ups, parking and traffic calming issues, colorful banners, landscaping, and lighting all improve the physical beauty of the downtown as a quality place in which to shop, work, walk, invest, and live.


MSNJ Transformation Grant

Fenwick Plaza Placemaking Initiative 

Storefront Facade Program 

Main Street Decor & Flower Pots

economic vitality

Economic Value involves analyzing current market forces to develop long-term solutions. Recruiting new businesses, creatively converting unused space for new uses, and sharpening the competitiveness of Main Street's entrepreneurial merchants are examples of economic restructuring activities.

Small Business Saturday 

Merchant Guidance



Organization involves getting everyone working toward the same goal. A governing board and standing committees make up the fundamental organizational structure of this volunteer-driven program. This structure not only divides the workload and clearly delineates responsibilities, but also builds consensus and cooperation among the various stakeholders. The Organization Committee plays a key role in keeping the board, committees, staff, and programs-of-work in good shape by attracting people to the organization.

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